Rietwiesstrasse 99, 8810 Horgen.

Take on the role
of the creator
of your life



About myself

In my practice, I attach great importance to establishing a relationship of trust to promote collaboration. Therefore, attentive listening, human warmth, understanding how the person experiences their challenge, their unique way of being in the world, are prerequisites for each session. I have been practicing non-authoritarian and resource-oriented hypnotherapy for 10 years according to Dr. Milton Erickson, physician and psychiatrist, researcher in therapeutic hypnosis, empathetic genius of communication and pioneer of the principle of use. I had the opportunity to learn hypnotherapy from trainers passionate about the Ericksonian approach, like Denis Jaccard, and some of whom learned their talents as therapists directly from Milton Erickson, like Steven Gilligan or Rob McNeilly, as well as by Robert Dilts and Judith Delozier.

How I Can Help You

It's my goal to create a comfortable, safe environment, where we'll work to achieve the goal together
Sexual dysfunction

Sexual dysfunction

You feel the desire to change your love or sex life. Hypnotherapy can help you to experience change on many different levels, whether it be...

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Lack of creativity

Lack of creativity

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Hypnosis for children

Hypnosis for children

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Preparation for childbirth

Preparation for childbirth

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Hypnotherapy is an excellent tool for focusing, as hypnotic trance is by its very nature a mental and physical state that mobilises our innate...

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Grief is the loss of a person, a situation, a job, or anything else of value to us. Grief is therefore a change in a life situation and is a...

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Relationship problems

Relationship problems

Is a relationship with another person a source of suffering and you are looking for new solutions? Whether it is for an individual or couple...

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Sleep disorder

Sleep disorder

It is not uncommon for people with sleep disorder to associate sleep with loss of control or emptiness. This fear of losing control or the fear of...

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Philipp has a pleasant, calm voice and makes it easy for you to to relax, open up and engage in hypnosis. I am happy to recommend him.


Singing means learning the language of emotions. I have been accompanying Philipp in his vocal and musical training for several years. I have quickly noticed that Philipp takes it to heart to want to express all facets of human emotions. The songs that he rehearses are always reflections of deep feelings. I am convinced that this will enrich his approach to hypnotherapy, to accompany you in your desire for self-knowledge and change

Cordula Pozimowski
Cordula C. PozimowskiEasysinging, Küsnacht

In Philipp I perceive a special gift: the ability to accompany people into the depths of their fears and shadows, while not losing his typical lightness. Himself, he is on a committed path to evolve on various levels and is thus a role model for people who are on the path to their true nature and to a happier life. I can recommend a hypnosis session with this talented therapist to all who want to get to the root of their issues and sincerely wish Philipp all the best.

Dr. Monica Weber
Dr. Monica WeberIntegrale Chiropraktik

I went to my first hypnotherapy session with Philipp about eight years ago. I didn’t really believe it would stop me from smoking. I went into a very deep and relaxed state during the session and it felt great! Immediately after my appointment, which was in the evening, I met some friends at a bar and smoked about three cigarettes. I thought, “this hasn’t worked at all”. However, I went to bed that night and had a very deep sleep…and I can tell you that those were the last three cigarettes I ever smoked! I am completely convinced that hypnotherapy offers your subconscious a “zone” where it can get itself back into order and fix maladaptive beliefs or patterns of behaviour.

Alexandra Smith
Alexandra Smith

Email me and I will reply to you shortly. Thank you.

Phone: 0793294184
Rietwiesstrasse 99, 8810 Horgen.